
Royal Economic Society
10 min read

The Society selected oomi to be single supplier of membership CRM, website content management system and members portal.

British Parking Association
10 min read

British Parking Association (BPA) implemented oomi as a replacement to MS Dynamics.

Wine and Spirit Trade Association
10 min read

"We totally trust them….We view them as a true partner."

Healthcare Infection Society
10 min read

HIS implemented oomi to consolidate a variety of data silos into one central system.


Healthcare Infection Society
3 min watch

“The seamless integration of our website with membership and event management has freed the team up enormously.”

Association of Foreign Banks
3 min watch

“We chose oomi because of their experience and deep understanding of working with membership organisations.”

Royal Economic Society
3 min watch

"The best thing about oomi is really the working relationship….people who genuinely understand your product, and the service that needs to be provided."

Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA)
3 min watch

"Their integration capabilities particularly impressed us." CITMA have been using oomi CRM since 2019.

the oomi user group
2 min watch

hear from our customers about the value they get from the oomi user group

The Nautical Institute
3 min watch

Hear from our customer for over 32 years on why they have stayed with oomi.